Hi, I'm Andrew Albright, a Machine Learning and Robotics Engineer currently in Houston, TX.

I am currently a robotics software engineer at METECS. I reside at Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX  as a NASA contractor, where I work alongside Valkyrie. She is a humanoid robot who has been around for a long time and has lots to offer us in the world of understanding how robots will change our future. There are the kinds of questions we are asking and answering every day!

Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada, US (I highly recommend 🔥)

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 I'm currently working on

Humanoid Robot Perception and Dexterous Manipulation Development

Developing state of the art planning and perception algorithms for the NASA Valkyrie Robot. Work is in progress and to be continued ...

 I was working on

Soft-walk: Silent Legged Locomotion

Building from prior work, can control policies be learned that reduce the audible sound emitted from the robot reducing intrusiveness and energy loss?

RL for Single-task Morphology Optimization

Using reinforcement learning, can morphology parameters within flexible systems be optimized to generate more efficient robots?

More about me

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